Piety is an effort to keep away from anything sinful, is by way of leaving what Allah prohibited, even leaving something that was not prohibited, for fear of falling into the forbidden or sinful. From the definition it can be understood that the righteous are those who always careful in all matters, even to matters "mubah" (allowed). Rather than go to something unlawful, the "syubhat" (dubious) alone surely he left. This is in accordance with the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "A servant is not going to achieve the degree of piety that he left what was not prohibited, so as not to fall to the things that are prohibited." (Narrated by Tirmidhi)
Piety is a process. As it has the bridge ladder rung as a step ladder to reach it. The previous scholars have taught how to achieve the degree of truth that piety. No other fruit of piety is a strong belief that fertilized with Khauf (fear of punishment and the wrath of God), Raja’ (always expect the abundance of God's grace), and Muraqabahtullah (being watched by God).
The first process that must be traversed to reach the Khauf piety or fear of punishment and the wrath of God. To foster this fear, we first have to recognize sin and its consequences. Know what is forbidden by Allah and the impact of the act. Sometimes people commit sins because he does not know if it is forbidden in the religion. Moreover, if it is already common people do. With the development of the times, not the least sin and sinners and engineered in such a way that it can no longer see the difference between gifts and bribes, between usury and selling, between art and pornography, and so on.
After recognizing our sins, he should realize that every little sin whatsoever undoubtedly noted and rewarded by Allah on the Day of Judgment later. It may be that our sins are not taken into account that will derail men into hell. Next, one must also be concerned if only he could no longer repent, either because of his death or because it was bound by the shackles of sin that he committed. Initially, it may be fun to try to sin, then repeat and repeat again until finally trapped by sin and disobedience without being able to break free again.
One thing is for sure, every sin sins will spawn next. People who gamble for example, if you win then it's a waste of money with the other immorality, drunkenness or adultery. No way he contributed to build the mosque. Conversely, if he lost a bet he could be a dark eye to violence, theft and even murder.
Catwalk stairs next piety is raja' or the hope of abundant mercy of God to His creatures. To foster this hope should we recognize every kindness. Know what God commanded. Eat, drink, sleep, work, marital relationship, and so are the things that everyday people do. Often people do it just because humanitarian instincts without realizing that it is God's command. Therefore, we should realize that God commanded us every kindness from the smallest thing to the largest. For every goodness, God has provided bountifully rewarded. It could be that people do not appreciate our good, but really God never waste the slightest kindness.

وَاصْبِرْ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُضِيعُ أَجْرَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

"And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good."

The next rung muraqabatullah or supervisory experience God. The righteous are always ready to welcome God's command. Anywhere and anytime. When alone and when with others. They also leave any ugliness. Not muraqabah when people were only able to run good of time with a lot of people and could no longer do it when alone. Likewise, when people could leave the ugliness just as with many people, but dare to do it when alone.
Therefore, the scholars distinguish between the things that should be done openly and what should be done in secret. Mandatory practice as fard salat, zakat, fasting Ramadan, close the genitals, better even partially revealed it to be seen by others. Instead, practice such as prayer sunna sunna, sunna fasting, alms, should be done secretly unless we believe that it is for the propagation of Islam and does not tarnish our sincerity.