In a period of more than seven centuries of Islamic rule in the classical period. Andalusia's heyday peaked. Many achievements they earn even having an effect brought Europe and then the world to progress more complex, Andalusia is also said to be able to compete is in eastern Baghdad. Many people steeped in European studies at Islamic universities there. While it could be said, Islam has been a teacher for Europeans. For eight centuries, Islam had triumphed in the Earth Europe (Andalusia) and build a glorious civilization. But civilization is built with great difficulty and hard work of the Muslims, it should be abandoned and removed simply because of deficiencies occurred among the Muslims themselves and for the success of a Western or European rising from underdevelopment. Resurrection which covers almost all of the elements of civilization, especially in politics, with the defeat of the Islamic empire and the work of the world until the advances in science and technology.

Al Andalus means "to be green at the end of the summer" and refers to the area occupied by the Muslim kingdom in southern Spain that includes cities such as Almeria, Malaga, Zadiz, Huelva, Seville, Cordoba, Jaen and Granada. Andalusia is located in southwestern Europe with borders in the east and southeast are the Mediterranean, south of the African continent are hampered by the Straits of Gibraltar, the Atlantic Ocean to the west and north ole bay Biscy. Mountains in the east sea Pyneria limit Andalusia with France. Andalusia is the name of Islam in the area known for Liberia peninsula (approximately 93% of the Spanish, the rest of Portugal) and Vadalusia. The name is derived from the word Vandalusia, which means the land of the nation vandal, because the southern part of the peninsula had been ruled by the Vandals before they were driven out to North Africa by The Goths in the 5th century AD
Andalusia social conditions before the Islamic conquest is very concern. Polarized society into different classes according to their social background. So there is the class of one, two and three. Class communities, the ruler, consisting of the king, the princes, the princes palaces, religious leaders and large landowners. Second class consists of young gentlemen. Landlords small is a small group of people are the ones people second class (second citizen). The group consists of three class society including slaves in the slave whose fate depends on the farmer's land, pastoralists, fishermen, blacksmiths, Jews and the workers in exchange for two meals a day. They can not enjoy the fruits of their land grap. People's grade two and three were very teritindas by many top-class fled to the forest for fear of persecution by the authorities. In order to survive, they had to make a living with road kill, rob or hijack. Their moral decadence coincided with the collapse of their economies.
Conquest over Andalusia members tremendous positive impact. Andalusia made ideal and cultural development center. When European civilization drowning in darkness and destruction, Islam torch shone across Europe through Adalusia, the nation Vandhal, Goth and berber. Islamic justice that has not been previously known. Oppressed commoners who live in the darkness gets the justice, have the freedom of life and self-determination. The Goth freed slaves in the nation by the Muslim rulers and was given a job based on ability. Tolerance of the Muslims are a peace treaty with the rulers who have conquered. Freedom, equality and fraternity are applied, allowing the conquered nations that participated in the government abgian together with Muslim rulers. So Islam does not recognize any distinction of caste and faith. When defeated, the level of civilization of Andalusia is very low and the general situation is so pathetic, so that the Muslims more teaching than learning. Europe alone at a party plagued by the Berber Germany. Meanwhile, Greek philosophy and science have long moved to Syria and Persia.
The conquest of the peninsula begins with the delivery of 500 Muslim soldiers dibawha led Rates bin Malik on Ramadan 91 H/710 M. He and his men landed in a place that is named Tarifa. The expedition was successful and the tariff back to North Africa brought many ghanimah. Musa bin Nushair, Governor General of Al Maghreb in North Africa at that time, then send 7000 soldiers under the command of Tariq bin Ziyad. Ekpsedisi both landed on the Mount reef Gibraltar (Jabal Tariq At) in 92 H/711. On top of the hill, Tariq spoke to generate semngat fighting troops, because the enemy soldiers will face number 100,000. Tariq got an additional 5000 soldiers from North Africa so that the total number of troops to 12,000 people.
The fighting broke out near the mouth of the river Salado (Lagend Widow) in the month of Ramadan July 92 H/19 711. This battle began winning battles Thariq the next, until finally Toledo, the capital of West Gothia, can be captured in September of that year. In June 712 AD Moses went to Andalusia to bring 18,000 troops and attacked towns that have not been conquered by Tariq until June of the following year. In the small town of Talavera, Tariq surrender leadership of Moses. During that time, Moses announced to be part of the Andalusian territory Umayyads based in Damascus. Conquest further directed to northern cities to reach the foot of the mountains Pyrenia. Extending beyond the mountains Gaul under the rule of the French. Moses ambition conquered the mountain behind it, but the caliph al walid blessings not even he called Moses and Tariq to return to Damascus. Before leaving Moses handed power to Abd al Aziz ibn Musa. Abd Aziz conquered Andalusia had fallen into the hands of Muslims, except Galicia a rugged and arid region in the northwestern part of the peninsula.
Andalusia became a province of the Umayyad daulah until the year 132 AH / 750 AD During this period, the Umayyad governor in trying to realize the dream of Andalusia Musa bin Nushair to master the Gauls. However, in the battle of Poitiers near Tours in the year 114 AH / 732 AD Muslim armies under the leadership of Abd al - Rahman al - Ghafiq in at backward by European Christian armies led Cartel Martel. That is the end point of a series of successful Muslims Pyneria the northern mountains. After that they have never won a significant victory in the face of counter-attack the Christians of Europe. When daulah Umayyads collapsed in 132 AH / 750 AD Andalusia became a province of Bani Abbas daulah to Abd Al-Rahman ibn Muawiyah, the tenth Umayyad caliph Hisham Cuvu bn Abd Malik, proclaimed the province as an independent state in the year 138 AD H/756 Since the proclamation. Andalusia enters a new phase as a sovereign state under the rule of the Umayyads II capital in Cordova told until the year 422 H/1031.