It is narrated from Aisyah that once the Quraysh tribe was shocked by the news about a woman from Bani Makhzumi committing a crime in the form of theft. The tribal elders asked each other, "Who will bring the news of this theft to the Messenger of Allah e?" Some people replied, "Who dares to say that if not Osama bin Zaid, the adopted son who was loved by the Messenger of Allah." So Osama also conveyed the news to the Prophet. So the Messenger of Allah said, "Are you going to ask for intercession (so that the woman is freed) from one of Allah's laws?!" Then he stood up and continued his words: “The nations before you have perished, for if only there werea person of honor among them commits theft, then they do not punish him. However, if a weak person (the commoners) commits theft, they impose punishment on him. By Allah, if Fatimah the daughter of Muhammad stole, I would have cut off her hand."