Islam As The Most True Religion

Crisis of confidence in the truth of Islam as a religion of universal and inescapable plenary has affected many people who claim Muslim. This is evident from their lifestyle is seen in lahiriyah still nothing in common with those non-Muslims. For example in appearance, in addition to not beards for men, also dressed isbal (covering the ankle). Gloves had to be something alien, especially in formal occasions. Although gloves are not required to dress in Islam, but Muslims should not cynical view of the glove as office wear. Meanwhile, if you look at the women in the streets, are difficult to distinguish between a Muslim and non Muslim women, because the hair equally visible, calves are equally open, "menor" in preen even equally tight dress. Knot is also without a "shy away" grew up with connections pine that accursed hair in Islam. It is very likely all of it due to ignorance or lack of unfamiliarity. However ignorance is the result that most of the Muslims have lost their belief in Islam, so they tend to ignore its teachings. Studying Islamic sciences is considered as outdated. Many Muslims, even if the academics who study the Islamic sciences without mixed with the theories of Western science, thought that it was a setback. Not according to the development of the era and beyond. Is not that a crisis of faith in Islam?
Generally, a person known to Muslims, just as he perform prayers or when invited to speak. Only in some circles or region alone there is a social group that is lahiriyah appears to be a Muslim, because their men are bearded and veiled women, for example. Of course this is a challenge.
No Good And True Islamic Apart
People who believe in Allah and the Last Day, must have faith and believe that only Islam alone is the best and true religion, worship and guidelines to guide life in the world. Because he believes that everything that is said to Allah and His Messenger must be right and good. Allah says:
"Surely the religion (which exists) is with Allah is Islam." (Ali Imran: 19)
In connection with this verse, Imam Ibn Kathir in his commentary says that the verse is the word from God that no religion on the side of anyone who received Him, except Islam. While Islam is ittiba '(follow) the teachings of the messengers of God sent to each period, until the end. closed with (last messenger) Muhammad. So all the way to God except through the road closed list of Muhammad. Therefore, who is facing Allah (after the coming of Muhammad) by using the religion that is not based on his shari'ah, then it will not be accepted. Just as the Word of God in another verse.
"Who's looking for (taking) other than Islam, it never would be accepted religion from him." (Ali Imran: 85)
Therefore, in the paragraph above (Ali Imran: 19) God also preached about limiting the accepted religion on his side, is Islam. In other words, that Islam is a religion other than vanity. It will not bring good world nor the hereafter. Because religion other than Islam, are not recognized and not justified by God as a guide, both in terms of worship and mu'amalah-mu'amalah worldly. Is not only God himself who is aware in what manner and how the guidelines, people will get serious benefits to her life? Is not the Essence of the Creator, who is more aware of what
He created? The two verses above show this. And this fact is supported by other evidence, the most important of which is the word of God
"This day have I perfected for you your religion. And I have perfected My favor for you, and I had the pleasure of Islam as your religion. "(Al-Maidah: 3)
This verse is God's greatest blessing for this Ummah. Because God has perfected their religion (Islam) so that they no longer need the other religions, except Islam. No longer need another prophet, except the Prophet Muhammad,. That's why God made Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets. God sent him a messenger to mankind and the jinn. Therefore, there is nothing that is not kosher unless it is lawful, no nothing that is haraam, unless a Prohibition. And no one religion (right) except what the syari'ah.
All are preached by the Prophet Muhammad, then the news that is true and correct. Lies and does not contain the slightest deviation. As in the word of God:
"It has been perfect sentence thy Lord; truth and justice." (Al-An'am: 115)
That is, true in all the news and just in all the commandments and its ban. So, when Allah has perfected Islam as a religion for them (people of Muhammad), then also the favor of God has been perfect for them. Islam is the perfection of perfection that covers all aspects, for purposes of future happiness is eternal and infinite. That is happiness not just in the world, but even in the afterlife. Therefore, why do people still doubt the authenticity and perfection of Islam. Why are people still looking for alternatives and other solutions? Islam is enough. Do not need the addition or subtraction to implement the teachings of Islam.
It's just that many of those who deny their own confession, as mentioned by Allah (about Pharaoh and his people):
"They deny the truth of the verses of Allah, when the selves they believe (the truth) it, because kedhaliman and kecongkaan." (An-Naml: 14)
That is the reality that is now being plagued Muslims. So naturally all if so many Muslims who believe and even harder to fight for democracy. Something which, if either, of course, already described by the Prophet. Democracy in fact is something heretical and contrary to the system of shura (consultation) in Islam.