The big question we ask, because the circumstances surrounding the Islamic world is in such a way that every good intention, let alone the great ideals to realize the Islamic civilization in the future. With that question at least we would think and analyze how big the challenges we face, our potential is based on assumptions and beliefs that we have. Our ability to provide this analysis with a relatively provide "a sense of" optimistic or pessimistic, although doctrine of course we also have to have a sense of optimism.
As outlined in front of that all aspects of Muslim life in real terms has been determined by the values of civilization materialism. How do economic, political, legal, defense, arts and entertainment we are, in fact, is the result of imitation and imitation of Western concepts. That is, no one aspect of reality ummah ever ready to clash with the realities of life that exist in the civilization of Western materialism. But if we ask ourselves and our confidence measure, which is actually a more credible between the teachings of Islam, the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet., Compared with the teachings of Western civilization possessed life. We'll get answers very optimistic; teachings that Islam is superior and credible. There is a feeling of superiority in our hearts and of Muslims generally, about the excellence of its teachings, when compared with other courses, either in the form of holy books of other religions as well as other man-made philosophy of life. The starting point in building the Islamic civilization which we all aspire to be originated from the domain, in which we ourselves have a superior sense of itself. Because of the superior taste that will encourage us to be expansive in building civilization.
On the one hand it can be said that the superiority or inferiority of a civilization and it entirely depends on two things. First, the teachings or values contained in the civilization of life is concerned. For example, how sahihkan views derived from the teachings of these civilizations give a statement about anything, including views on the future of mankind. How does it respond to the teachings of the thoughts of men, from everyday problems to things that are substantive and transcendence. Are the claims of the doctrine can be proved in life. That is, what if someone followed the full course which he believes will get a success of living and so forth.
Second, interpretation lies in the ability of human resources who have and become a supporter of civilization, so that its teachings have contextualization with the problems of humanity in his time, and certainly with sufficient logical consistency. That is, whether human resources are a buffer consisting of civilization is that human beings are intelligent, enlightened and able to develop concepts about various aspects of life derived from the teachings or not.
If a civilization does not have a doctrine of credible or reliable in serving the intellectual challenge and are not able to provide answers to a futuristic, especially if you have an inconsistency when it is practiced, then sooner or later, those civilizations will surely die and not be able to live again. An example of this civilization is the classic human civilization, such as Sumerian, Egyptian, Roman and contemporary, is Communism. Civilizations that survive because it is guarded by a tyrannical and dictatorial power. But the intrinsic (from within itself) will suffer destruction, because his teachings are inconsistent.
Conversely, too, although a civilization has a credible doctrine, but if it has human resources are unable to interpret these teachings in the context of ongoing life, the civilization that comes from a credible doctrine is still not able to grow. Example right about this intended civilization is Islam. Islamic teachings, as presented by people who are inferior, causing, as if no longer adequate to address human problems. However, if at a certain period of civilization which have a credible doctrine that has excellent human resources, then it should be a superior civilization. Superior civilization is a civilization which the whole doctrine credible and have the human resources that are reliable, able to give their views and interpretations of this and future lives are adequately based on the teachings of its civilization and fair to "mecca" of human civilization.
The reality of Islamic civilization is now in a position superior, when viewed from the perspective of teaching. Contrary, Islam is a civilization which inferiror, when viewed from the human resources. Islam, as expressed in the words of wisdom is the highest teachings and there is no match for it (al-wa laa islaamu ya'luu yu'laa 'alayhi). But instead of Islam also covered [jets and superiority] by the ignorance of Muslims themselves. Civilization who feel superior, is phenomenal, will put forward their views and interpretations to address the issues of life and humanity. More than that, they will invite the other party even force him to follow what is considered good, and usually without giving empathy to see the teaching of civilization is the choice of another party. Western Civilization, which is claimed by a number of dominant opinions as a civilization that 'most advanced' and will bring to mankind in the progress and prosperity (material), are now felt to get a new rival after a bitter enemy (Communism) collapsed. And, the new rival, which is not only a rival but potentially generate a very powerful clash of civilizations, is Islam. Because the teachings of Islam, anyone know, is the most credible and reliable to save mankind, in this world and hereafter the future. That is why, Western civilization as represented by America, Britain, France and some other European countries, preferred to make the Muslim people as a target rather than to the teachings of Islam. Because the human resources of Islam (Muslims), currently a weak spot revival of Islamic civilization. The problem, to be different, if the West dare to target Islam itself to hit with secular teachings. Because when the Islamic teachings brought to the surface, into a global discourse, by itself will provide penetration and infiltrate every human being, regardless of any background of civilization, for having the intellectual integrity. Thus, the key to building the Islamic civilization in our time right now is to develop a superiority, especially for those who feel "compelled" to this great business. It is very important, for the perfection of the teachings of Islam, in all aspects of human life, getting people elected and at the same time representative to present it in front of all mankind. If not, then the greatness of Islamic teachings shrouded in ignorance of the Muslims, which in turn communities originating from other civilizations, because of its interaction with Muslim people who like it, would undermine the teachings of Islam itself, without studying it objectively.
Superiority, as reflected in the teachings of the Quran, lies in the perfection spirirtual and intellectual person, which would manifest in morality and behavior, and attitudes of Islamic life. In this case we are living in Islam has started with the correct step, ie, with emphasis on worship, including night prayers continuously uphold. Spiritual intensity, in addition to individual behavior manifests Islami, also reflected in his perspective on the social aspects are important, such as power, materials and other earthly matters. Someone who has adequate spirituality will remain superior and the determinant when interacting with the authorities, as well as interact with rich people. But the spiritual superiority, which is only supported by the ritualism is not enough. There should be adequate intellectualization and that means requires us to dare to clash with the various discourses and developing ideas. In tactical and strategic policies we need to build a reliable cadre base, so as to become a competent spokesperson of the Islamic civilization that we expect.
Developing intellectual superiority is to sharpen and enrich the intellect. In this context, we must actually are people who pretty much interact with the Qur'an. It's just needs to put forward here, that the pattern of our interaction with the Qur'an is very limited (read in a narrow sense). We have not come to an explorative reading patterns and explores the Qur'an in the language of the concept, "which can be understood by those who simply rely on common sense. Readings that are exploratory, allowing us to know about how the Qur'an gave his views on logic pattern is also something rich and determinative. Likewise with the submission-submission of questions that refer to the know-how and know why, allows us to obtain an explanatory system that inspiring and genuine. The same thing can be applied in interacting with Nabawiyah sirah. Both, if done sincerely, will produce explanatory system of extensive and authoritative overcome episteme and arguments developed by science and modern disciplines.
Building a civilization of Islam, means to convert the entire world, in every aspect and level. Islamic missions should be explained with logic pattern and framework of Islamic thought as well. Of course this is a big job, requiring patience an ideologue, to make it happen.