The Story of Justice

            Justice is one of the most important pillars of Islam. We cannot imagine how a society can be good without justice. Therefore, Allah made justice a pillar that supports the heavens and the earth. He ordered all the Apostles to uphold justice and not to view it as a trivial matter.

Al-Jurjani stated that justice is, “A middle condition between neglect and exaggeration. Fair in the term syara' means being consistent in the path of truth and staying away from things that are forbidden in Islam.”

In several places in the Qur'an, there are several verses that encourage people to do justice and stay away from tyranny and cruelty. Allah said, "Verily Allahorder (you) to act justly and do good, give to relatives, and God forbids abomination, evil and enmity. He gives you lessons so that you can take lessons.” (An-Nahl:90)

In another part of the Qur'an, God said, "O you who believe, be the ones who truly uphold justice, be witnesses for God even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. If he is rich or poor, then God knows best the benefits. So do not follow lust because they want to deviate from the truth. And if you twist (words) or are reluctant to be witnesses, then verily Allah is Knowing of all that you do." (An-Nahl: 135)

Fair is one of the noble qualities possessed by the Prophet e. He always motivates his friends to make justice a way of life. It was narrated from Abdullah bin Amru, that he said, "The Messenger of Allah said, "Indeed, those who are just in the sight of Allah are on the pulpits of light, having a commendable position with the Most Merciful, His two "hands" are "right." They are people who are just in their power, fair to the family and in runningauthority."

From Anas bin Malik t from the Prophet e, he said, "If you rule, then act justly! If you kill, then (do it) by doing good, because indeed God is the One who does good and He loves those who do good (muhsinin)."

The call from the Prophet for this nation to do justice was delivered by a great friend named Rabi bin Amir t. Companions conveyed the call of the Prophet when he spoke with Rustum, one of the leaders of the Persian nation. The Rabbi said, “Allah has sent us to invite those whom He wills to move from worshiping creatures to worshiping Allah, moving from a narrow world to a wide world, moving from unjust religions to a just Islam. " Thus, before the ruler of Persia, this great friend is proud of the justice that is prescribed by straight Islam. With the concept of fairness taught by Islam, every human being knows his rights and obligations.

This is the theoretical side of the noble educational values that form the basis for the establishment of the state. Through the following presentations, we describe some practical aspects of the value of justice practiced by Muslim leaders in the noble history of Islam.