Ahl al-Bayt

Khadijah (555-620), first wife of Muhammad, was a wealthy widow and trader who employed him to work as a business agent for her caravans. They married when he was 25 and she was 40. They were married for 25 years. They had six children, though early for survived. Fatima is the most famous of their children. She supported Muhammad through the difficult years of his revelations and was the first convert to Islam.
Fatima was the daughter of Muhammad and his first wife, Khadijah. Fatima married Ali, her father’s cousin, who was later to become the fourth caliph (successor of Muhammad as the leader of Islam). Ali founded the section of Islam called the Shi’ites.
Fatima had two daughters and two sons. The sons, Hasan and Husain, were later involved in wars fought to decide the leadership of Islam.
Fatima is regarded by many Muslims as the ideal woman. Some Muslims believe that Fatima was the product of a virgin birth. Fatima helped to nurse Muhammad though his final illness and died herself only a few months after him.

Muhammad had no sons. From 909, a group called the Fatimids gained control of North Africa. They rules Egypt for almost 300 years and founded the city of Cairo. They claimed to be descended from the Prophet Muhammad through Fatima.