The future of Islam in Indonesia

Actually, in terms of number, there's nothing to worry about the future of Islam in Indonesia. Population census in 2000 noted that the number of Muslims in this country as much as 88.22%, a percentage that high. So did other people do not have to worry about reading the statistics, because the two wings of the Muslims, the NU and Muhammadiyah, have since the beginning worked hard to develop an Islamic-friendly to anyone, even towards the unbelieving ones, as long as all parties to respect each other different views. But disaster could happen if the religious followers lose the power of reason, and then judge all the people who do not sefaham with them a monolithic school of thought. Examples of the various units of human civilization on the attitude of whitewashing the truth is not hard to find. Blood was already a lot of people spilled from a party judgments of others because of differences in the interpretation of religion or ideology.
In the history of Islam, a group that feels the most authentic in his faith is also not difficult to trace. If you just feel the most right without punishing the other hand, perhaps it is not too dangerous. The danger would arise if there are people in the name of God, and punish and even destroy a different religion. In this reading, in many cases, the Qur'an is far more tolerant than the attitude of a few Muslims are intolerant of differences. This phenomenon can be found in many countries, both in developed countries, and even in underdeveloped countries, not just in the Islamic world. What used to be categorized as fundamentalist groups are in this category. In America for example we know of Christian fundamentalist groups in the era of President George W. Bush became the main supporter of neo-imperialist regime. In the Islamic world, sporadically since the last few years is very experienced symptoms of fundamentalism. The most extreme among them easily fall into the trap of terrorism.
There are several theories that have discussed the emerging fundamentalism in the Islamic world. The most widely cited is the failure of Muslims to face the flow of modernity which have been regarded as highly incriminating Islam. Because of powerlessness facing heat flow, the fundamentalist group seeking religious arguments to "amuse themselves" in an imagined world that has not been contaminated. If merely "entertaining," probably will not cause many problems. But once they develop the political clout to resist modernity through a variety of ways, the clash with Muslim groups who disagree with their methods can not be avoided. This does not mean that Muslims who oppose the ways they had been late in modernity. Opponents of this type is no less his critical confront these modern currents, but the way in which escorted by the force of reason and consideration of a clear, though not always successful.
Another theory says that the growing wave of fundamentalism in many Muslim countries mainly driven by a sense of solidarity towards the fate that befell his brothers in Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Iraq. Feelings of solidarity is actually owned by all Muslims worldwide. But the difference is the attitude shown by the majority that as far as possible to avoid violence and keep waving the banner of peace, although maps of suffering people in the area of conflict that often was unbearable. If Indonesia is associated with a relatively safe conditions, the emergence of fundamentalist forces, from pole to pole until soft and most extreme (terrorism), in fact beyond reasoning. We take for example the practice of suicide bombing as he kills another man (the Bali, Marriott, etc.), not at all understandable. Indonesia is not Palestine, not Kashmir, not Afghanistan, not Iraq, but why the barbaric practice that is done here?
The third theory, especially to Indonesia, the rise of fundamentalism in the archipelago over the country caused by the failure to realize the ideals of independence in the form of social justice and the creation of equitable prosperity for all citizens. Corruption is still flare failure is proof positive of that. All people recognize this harsh reality. However, because knowledge is very poor fundamentalist faction of the sociological map of Indonesia which is not simple, then they take a shortcut to justice: implementing Islamic law through power. If a national has not been possible, then pursued through regional regulation. Envisioned with the implementation of this syar'ah, God will be pleased with Indonesia. Strangely, all this anti democratic fundamentalist groups, but they wear the State's democratic institutions to channel political ideals. This fact by itself reveal one thing: for those clashes between theory and practice do not be a problem. In another phrase, which reads here is dishonesty in politics. In theory forbidden democracy, in practice is used, in order to achieve the goal.