The Concept Of Hijrah

Historically, hijrah is the displacement of Muslims from Mecca to Medina in the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the context of management, these are the core of the change. The move was interpreted as movement to a better step. This is the essence of the most important in our efforts to become agents of change.
We need to realize that everyone always wants a better position than before. For that we are always faced with a dilemma situation that makes us have to determine what needs to be done to get the better position. It is not easy for everyone to take his turn. Let us understand the essence of the hijrah is simple and easy to understand as we achieved success with stock emigrate.
Hijrah all the time
Hijrah is constantly moving into a better position. In the practice of everyday life in fact we have done many emigrated, either consciously or unconsciously. The simplest example when we feel tired, and then we decided to take a rest, then that is a step move. Driver's sleepy, then she breaks up with ways nap is also a step hijrah.
A career employee in the office that has been stagnant, then moving work to get a better career, is also a step move. More complex examples such as energy diversification is also an emigration application. In short, the move is any attempt to get a better position than before. Turning time we are always forced to emigrate. That is the reason why the Muslim new year called New Year Hijrah. The essence to remind us to always try to position themselves to better places. Just imagine what happens if we remain in the same position all the time?
Hijrah to achieve the best performance
In the process of hijrah, there must be objectives. To achieve these goals we need to make our best efforts / the ultimate performance. What is referred to as the ultimate performance is if we can turn something worst to best in the best way we could.  A simple example to understand it can be seen in the case of a former scavenger "mustahik", later to become entrepreneurs "muzakki". This process of change can not be done with one movement only. There's a lot of movement (migration) to be done by him from time to time.
The illustrations are as follows: He started his move step by utilizing the charity received as capital into a plastic waste collector. He no longer utilize this zakat to buy consumer goods as before. Then the hard work he was able to hire someone else, after he worked alone. Then he began trading profits plastic waste used to purchase equipment to process plastic waste recycling. Be present he is a businessman who was able to tithe.
He emigrated a long process of a "mustahik" to "muzakki" is not easy to implement. The hardest thing that happened was when he determined the initial desired changes; want to be what and when to start it? Sometimes the feeling is feeling settled at its present position would make himself constrained emigrate to a better position. This is where we need to be aware that in addition to rational thinking, we also have a spiritual impulse conscience. Management practitioners say that "not enough to have a smart capital, we would need intuition and intelligence". So, in the process of migrating are more needed two things mentioned above. Why? Since we do not know whether this move will be successful or not before we go it alone. Then who moves a person to perform this movement or emigrate? Merciful has given detector in our conscience.
The properties to have and provide the best existing in us and it is human nature. If we can maintain this disposition then automatically we will always emigrated, self process step by step to a better position. From this summary we can conclude that if we consistently make improvements, so we can achieve the ultimate performance. Here we also understand that the decision to emigrate to come from our own conscience, upon instructions from the Lord, not just from the calculation matemats rationally.
Many examples of successful people around us and we try to understand the process of their success. Everything must start with emigrate. Therefore, let us quickly determine the steps move us.